Dinner Dialogue

2017-10-26 18:30:00 2017-10-26 19:30:00 America/New_York Bidding Farewell to Noise (New York City) Join the CMO Council along with Marketo as we talk about owning the customer experience. New York, NY CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org
Skyline of New York

Bidding Farewell to Noise (New York City)
The CMO’s Path From Volume to Value

October 26, 2017
New York, NY
6:30 PM Eastern Time

According to a recent CMO Council study, chief marketing officers have largely been content to serve as guides along the customer experience journey, but only 9 percent believe they own the customer experience strategy. This has, in no small part, led to the reality that only 12 percent of CMOs surveyed believe their organizations’ ability to deliver connected, personalized, contextual experiences is exceptional, regardless of channel and across the entire organization. For too many organizations, customer experience strategy has been nothing more than re-packaged campaigns—contributing little to a connection with the customer and creating even more “noise.”

But today, the CMO is increasingly stepping up to the experience plate, ready to be an active leader and owner of the customer experience strategy. In fact, 59 percent of marketers surveyed believe that the CMO has ultimate responsibility for customer experience.

This leadership role will demand that chief marketing officers shift their strategic mindset from a campaign-centric view that measures success in moments to one that defines value and return by revenue generation, bottom-line improvements and successful customer journeys. This demands that marketing’s strategies switch from “volume to value,” as our partners at Marketo describe.

The CMO Council, in partnership with Marketo, will delve into the issues, needs and requirements that marketers must face in order to solidify their roles as chief customer experience officers as they drive the business forward through engagement. Join us for an evening of debate and discussion as peers gather in New York to share insights around owning the customer experience. Through the course of the roundtable, key questions will be discussed, among them:

  • How has the engagement economy manifested in the organization? Have marketing leaders (and management alike) embraced this customer-driven opportunity?
  • How are today’s CMOs transforming their organizations to capitalize on this age of the engagement economy?
  • Where and how are brand leaders creating new momentum in this quest to own the customer experience?
  • What must technology or talent gaps be addressed in order to maximize the customer experience opportunity?

If you are interested in attending this dinner or have any questions please reach out to Twinee at tvillanueva@cmocouncil.org.