Dr. K. Prakash Vel is an Associate Professor at University of Wollongong in Dubai and specialises in Marketing and related areas. He is backed up with 30 years of teaching and practising marketing instance in the Industry with experience spread across Bahrain, India, Singapore, Malaysia and the UAE.
Dr. Prakash Vel maintains an applied orientation in teaching undergraduates and post graduates. He is very keen on bringing in industry participation in most of his classes in marketing. He founded the IAIC (Industry Academia interface in Classroom) Initiative at UOW Dubai in 2015 and has now attracted more than 50 multinational corporations to the initiative over the years. As an offshoot of the IAIC Initiative, he released a recent book titled “Corporate Success stories in the UAE-The key drivers behind their growth’, as the Chief Editor, published by the academically renowned Emerald Publishing, United Kingdom. The book was launched across the world on the 11th March 2021.
He has trained and offered consultancy for 16 corporate clients in different countries in the world including Malaysia, Singapore, Kuwait, India and Dubai. He has published in international journals and has presented in international conferences at USA, Spain, France, Dubai, Finland, Italy, Austria, Hungary, London, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Prague, Japan and other places. He serves in the editorial and review committee and also is the Associate Editor of international Journals. He serves as a co-supervisor for Ph.D/DBA candidates and is a member of the Ph.D examination panels of different Universities. At University of Wollongong in Dubai, he was the recipient of ‘TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARD’ from UOW Dubai two times in 2010 and recently in 2020. He is a member of the CMO (Chief Marketing Officers) Council, Middle East. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK). He was appointed as the Associate Programme Chair of the international Academic conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development from Australia, that took place in Dubai in August 2014 and was presented with a Trophy in recognition of his efforts in organising an international academic conference successfully in Dubai. This conference was attended by Professors from 63 Universities across the world and the earlier conferences of this body were conducted in Australia, Brazil, France, Finland and Hungary. He was awarded by DTCM (Dubai Tourism and Commerce Marketing) in 2015 for organising this conference in Dubai. His recent presentation of a research paper is in the field of education on ‘Contract cheating from a social lens’ in the European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism 2021, an international conference at Prague in June 2021.
Prior to joining UOWD, he served as a Senior lecturer in Marketing and Dissertations coordinator, Stamford college, Malaysia; Senior Lecturer, Thiagarajar school of Management, India; General Manager-Marketing of Paradise Hill Resorts, India, Marketing Executive-Mirc Electronics, India and a Lecturer at the Gulf Academy, Bahrain.