Now in its 9th year, Loyalty World is a unique conference designed to assist marketing execs from the world’s leading brands in understanding all the elements that go into designing a successful loyalty strategy. It's about understanding what loyalty actually means and the complex relationships and solutions that businesses need to put in place.
Key speakers include:
- Sir Terry Leahy, former CEO, Tesco
- Martha Rogers, Co-Founder, Peppers & Rogers Group
- Jenn Lim, CEO & Chief Happiness Officer, Delivering Happiness; Consultant, Zappos inc
- Willie Walsh, CEO, International Airlines Group
- Stephen Haines, MD UK, Facebook
- Richard Baker, Chairman, Group Aeroplan Europe, DFS, Virgin Active, Former CEO, Alliance Boots
- John Gillan, Industry Head, Retail, Google
- Manaaz Akhtar, Head of Marketing, Subway
- Gavin Meggs, Strategic Insight Director, Sky IQ
- Shiv Singh, Head of Digital, PepsiCo
- Peter Crayfourd, Group Head of CustomerLifecycle Strategy, Orange
- Jennifer Alspach, Head of Card Strategy & Planning, RBS
At Loyalty World 2011 you will learn how to:
- Uncover the secrets to building loyalty in the transparent age
- Create a truly customer centric organisation
- Define profitable behaviour and identify your most valuable customer
- Maximise the opportunities Mobile-Social presents for customer engagement
- Move from a ‘reward programme’ to a ‘recognition programme’