Dinner Dialogue
2015-08-25 06:30:00 2015-08-25 07:30:00 Dinner Dialogue: The Customer Success Barometer São Paulo, Brazil CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.orgDinner Dialogue
2015-08-25 06:30:00 2015-08-25 07:30:00 Dinner Dialogue: The Customer Success Barometer São Paulo, Brazil CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.orgNow that 2015 has kicked off, the engagement, revenue and business strategies that marketers have put into place are ramping up and advancing. But are they advancing in the most profitable and effective ways? One of the greatest challenges we face as senior marketing leaders is the ability to identify, optimize and adjust strategies in today’s lightning-fast, digitally powered ecosystem.
The CMO Council conducted a series of executive leadership roundtables that asked marketing leaders and industry experts to share their insights into the key challenges being faced and the opportunities that have been exploited by testing the resolve of marketing and engagement strategies.
Some of the topics that were discussed and debated included: