Dinner Dialogue

2013-06-11 06:30:00 2013-06-11 07:30:00 Dinner Dialogue: Know More to Grow More Today’s complex, multi-channel, multi-level marketing engine needs continuous tuning and performance improvement to drive greater front-line and bottom-line value. This requires selecting and Toronto, Canada CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org

Dinner Dialogue: Know More to Grow More

June 11, 2013
Auberge Du Pommier
Toronto, Canada
6:30 AM

Today’s complex, multi-channel, multi-level marketing engine needs continuous tuning and performance improvement to drive greater front-line and bottom-line value. This requires selecting and connecting with the right prospects, empowering resources from sales to service with insights and information, as well as examining every facet and phase of campaign design, staging, implementation and delivery to extract greater efficiency, yield and impact.


Please be our guest on Tuesday, June 11th to a complimentary dinner, where we will discuss the state of customer contact, sales information and intelligence systems that can deliver insights across the organization, fueling growth from acquisition, rentention and reactivation.


To request an invitation, please contact Kamilla Nosovitskaya at knosovitskaya@cmocouncil.org or 650.433.4165.