Partner Event

2017-05-22 05:30:00 2017-05-22 06:30:00 America/Chicago C-Suite Network Conference Growth is the top concern of C-Suite leaders. Growth that creates market leadership. Growth that builds loyalty and trust with customers.  Dallas,TX CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org

C-Suite Network Conference
Managing Growth in the C-Suite

May 22, 2017 - May 23, 2017
Tower Club Dallas
5:30 AM Central Time

Growth is the top concern of C-Suite leaders. Growth that creates market leadership. Growth that builds loyalty and trust with customers. Growth that creates competitive advantage

This C-Suite Network Conference on Growth brings together entrepreneurs, thought leaders and top executives whose companies exemplify the best examples of successful growth. Learn their secrets to successful growth and how you can apply these insights to your business.

The event begins Monday evening, May 22nd with a cocktail reception at approximately 5:30 pm. Several top business authors will be on hand to share their books and wisdom. Tuesday, May 23rd is a full day of programming, including panels, keynotes and interviews. Sessions that give you insight you can take home and put immediately into action. The day will end with a cocktail reception for additional networking opportunities.

As a partner, we have limited discounted and complimentary tickets available for this event. Please contact Twinee Villanueva at tvillanueva@cmocouncil.org to find out if your company qualifies.